Will Hong Kong’s rule of law survive the challenge of Beijing’s national security legislation? - ShareIsValue


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Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 5, 2020

Will Hong Kong’s rule of law survive the challenge of Beijing’s national security legislation?

With the expected passage of the National People’s Congress resolution on national security this week, mainland and Hong Kong officials assure us that the proposed law will be narrowly drafted and pose no threat to basic freedoms and the rule of law in Hong Kong. This assurance should be doubted.The claim that public officials are reliable people who will only go after the bad guys underlies the People’s Republic of China’s tradition of rule by law. It presumes that a society of laws is one…

from South China Morning Post https://www.scmp.com/comment/opinion/article/3086269/will-hong-kongs-rule-law-survive-challenge-beijings-national

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